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The problem is that women are unsupported in society. They need to have direct care support with the newborn, the equivalent of grandmother or aunty, or maternal nurse in some countries. The cost of a newborn is eye-watering with high priced clothing and furniture. Some countries recognise this. Finland has been sending new mothers their care package including diapers, blankets and baby clothes since 1938. Others give a one time allowance to cover the cost. However, most countries ignore the cost both financially and emotionally. If the mother is forced to work full time there are child care costs and most mothers do not want to be separated from their young child(ren) all day long.

I am not surprised about the low birth rate, who would voluntarily face financial ruin by having a child? Western industrialised countries are total morons when it comes to population economics. The undeveloped world have it right, in total poverty the young child arrives and there is family support as well as community support. Families share resources so that the young mother and child are not starving. And unlike the West, fathers play a huge role with raising their babies and young children. We've forgotten that.

Elon Musk sees that with robots will come a universality of income and less need for work. Great. Bring it on. No one else is going to save us, apart from migrants who are ostracised by the receiving country and given at best, low paid dirty jobs that no one else wants to do. Maybe the IT sector has one bit right, it wants to have freer migration policies so they can hire anyone, anywhere. That is one way to increase population, lower the gates.

And by the way, we are all migrants and descended from migrants, so why the fuss of the new ones? Oh! You don't like them? Well then you have a shrinking population. Ta Daah!!!

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